Large Fleets for Susan Hood and LOSHRS 2 and 3


July 5, 2023

LOOR is very pleased to report that this year’s LOOR race series presented by driveHG is off to a great start. You couldn’t ask for any better and we had more racers participate in both the Susan Hood and LOSHRS races then in each of the prior three years!

The Susan Hood Trophy Race, this year sponsored by Club April Marine, almost had a thunderstorm delay at the start, but everyone stayed dry, and we started on time. For a complete change, the evening was quite warm and light winds which built as the night went on. The race offered something for every racer as Saturday morning was blue sky and good winds on the way back to Port Credit. 

The next day the first LOSHRS race was a light air beam reach as the winds were getting lighter and again, beautiful blue sky.

SinC LOOR Susan Hood LOSHRS 2 400This last weekend, LOSHRS races 2 and 3 featured strong and gusty winds on Saturday to test the crews skill, and light winds for the Sunday to test their patience. 

Now we are looking forward to the next races in the series. The Lake Ontario 300/600 race is set for July 15th and this year we have more planned for the Friday night and Saturday morning festivities. We are having a Tech Talk session from 5pm to 6pm on Friday night which will have six speakers present on topics that are of interest to sailors and boaters as well as more sponsors with tents to go speak to. Please see the schedule of speakers below and make sure you’re ready to go at 5pm…should be a lot of fun and very interesting.

Go to and let us know what you think.

– LOOR Chair Monica Doedens/Terry Kuehn

SinC LOOR 2023 Logo 400












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