3rd Annual Boating For The Cure Raises Over $100 000

Boating for the Cure is a daylong family style poker run around the Muskoka Lakes raising funds equally for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation and Prostate Cancer Canada.
In November of 2010 we set a goal of raising $100 000 in the 2011 event. With a lot of hard work from many sponsors, participants and donors we were able to reach our goal and raise just over $102 000. We started the fundraising off with a boat auction in January raising over $38 000 and kept the ball rolling with help from our sponsors.
Through on air advertisements, an auction and PSAs the Evanov Radio Group raised over $21 000. Bill Evanov and the Evanov Radio Group which consists of the Jewel FM channels and Z103 have been a huge help over the past three years and we are grateful for their continued support.
Sponsors Pride Marine Group, Edgewater Boats, Muskoka Woods, Northstar Insurance, Muskoka Meats, Crownline Boats, The Bay St. Bull, Lake of Bays Brewery, Muskoka Springs, The Simply Bar, Chaparral Boats, Don’s Bakery, North West Restaurant and J&E Audio Visual helped both with donations and overall awareness of the event.
All participants showed up despite it being an overcast rainy day. We had a great day on the lakes with a stop at Pride of Rosseau for a BBQ sponsored by Muskoka Meats, Don’s Bakery and Muskoka Springs. Not only was the food great, the entertainment was outstanding. Stephen Stanley of the Lowest of the Low made the trek up north to join us for lunch and provided us with a wonderful performance. Thank you very much to Stephen for joining us and providing us with such a great show.
We were fortunate enough to make it over to the new North West Restaurant in Gravenhurst for appetizers and a warm up. The food was delicious and the atmosphere was quite relaxing. We finally finished our day with Lake of Bays Brewery and Muskoka Meats back at the Wharf. It was a great end to a day on the lakes. The team representing Muskoka Watersports, received a 4some of golf, donated by Bigwin Island Golf Club, with the best poker hand.
Thank you to all our private supporters and participants. Your help and support is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for another successful event!
For more information on Boating for the Cure, please visit www.boatingforthecure.com or e-mail Catherine@boatingforthecure.com