First they Ruckus, Then They Race…R2AK Race Week is Here

r2AK Ruckus

June 21, 2016

Wednesday, June 22, 3–8 p.m.

Water & Monroe St., Port Townsend, WA
(Pope Marine Park & Northwest Maritime Center)

Come one, come all to the Pre-Race Ruckus!

Let loose like you’re about to set sail for Alaska…with people who actually are about to set sail for Alaska.

Help give the racers a night to remember before their long, wet journey while you put faces (and hulls) to those blips on the tracker screen. See some boats on the hard, enjoy great food and drinks, and dance the night away with party-fueling Seattle soul band Down North.

Bring your sense of adventure and competitive spirit! Get a free tattoo, test the limits of a drysuit, or do something questionable with hot sauce! No, we’re not going to be more specific.

Featuring New Belgium Brewing Beer, Schilling Cider, Sailor Jerry’s Rum, burgers by Arran Stark of Jefferson Healthcare, and additional food by In Season Catering’s Salmon Wagon, Mo-Chilli BBQ, Kurly’s Fry Cart, Dogs-A-Foot, and Fiddlehead Creamery. More food vendors to be announced soon!

The Pre-Race Ruckus is all the spirit of Race to Alaska, 10% of the danger.

Still don’t know where to be for the Race to Alaska start?

How about being a part of the super fancy Race to Alaska Glitterati Party! Check it out. It’s going to be a good time.

2016 R2AK Dates & Times

Pre-Race Ruckus
Wednesday, June 22
3:00–8:00 p.m. in Port Townsend, WA

2016 Race to Alaska Start
Stage One: Port Townsend to Victoria
Thursday, June 23, 6:00 a.m.
Northwest Maritime Center

Stage Two: Victoria to Ketchikan
Sunday, June 26, 12:00 p.m.
Victoria Harbour

First Prize: $10,000

(Second place gets a set of steak knives)


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