Big Breeze Forecast for 37th St. Maarten Heineken Regatta

Heineken Regatta

Mar 7, 2017

Top o’ the morn there Laddie !!!!

Here’s a media report for ya ….

Winds are up and the first group of yachts are scheduled to be leaving at 8 (about an hour from now here) – we’re an hour ahead of you –

Canada Que Flag

Are you a Facebook dude ? If so I am posting photos each day on my page right here ….

Volvo 02

Going to attach some for you here too … I caught Volvo 70 Monster Project upon return yesterday … crew looks hardy !!!

Everybody got one hell of a workout on practice runs yesterday … gusts were unreal …

Prepping equipment now … if you want to listen to some radio info hit here … Island 92 … click listen Live …

I’ve come to know the crazy morning guy quite well over the years and been on the air with him many times … on air name is … ready for this one … “Dr. SOC” !!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAA …. Morning show is called … “Fresh Air with Dr. SOC” …

There’s a photo of my wife and I on air with him the other day … he’s a riot … more on him later … he just gave an on-air report from the headquarters at the St. Maarten Yacht Club …

OK, all for now … over & out … uh ohhhhh here come some rain mixed in with the sun ….

Cheers – JG


“Regatta Johnny” here live and in living colour ….

Media ShirtSee – I’m legit!>

Just stopped in for a minute to download pics … free up card space … re-charge batteries … grab another lens … quick shower … re-lube … change of gear … new hat … fresh clean Official Media Dude shirt applied … Power bar ….

SXMits like the Return of Thee Armada …. but most get costumes on and at the bridge there’s a wild crazy crowd screaming and cheering and giving scores to the best performances and costumes upon return … just WILD !!!>

………. aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnd away we go again …. the antics of the returning boats into the Simpson Bay are hilarious and get better each day … will send some shots later …
Have to be at the yacht club to grab this boat over to the big Media Party ….

Cheers for now … and …. AHOYYYYYY there Matey !!!!

“Regatta Johnny” out ….


Top o the morn CHAMPION !!!!

C’mon … up and at ’em …. its serious RACE DAY !!!! Around the Island today …and the winds are rocking again … they are expecting a possible record today …
Here’s the infer from yesterday ….

Party last night was unreal … pics on my FB page …

Lots of Canadians here … including Morgen Watson from Canadian Ocean Racing … very interesting character … had good chat with him last night …

Gotta fly … more later … JG

Rox PracticeSunsets Sailboat


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