Alex Thomson – HUGO BOSS

Nov 19, 2020
A special edition of the Royal Ocean Racing Club Time Over Distance series with Louay Habib talked to Alex Thomson just days before Alex and HUGO BOSS started the |2020 Vendée Globe. This is Alex Thomson’s fifth race and having come second last time, HUGO BOSS is one of the favourites.
Thomson is known for scaling his mast resplendent in his Hugo Boss suit. But as we learned when he visited Toronto last year, there’s Alex combines top level sailing skills and boundless determination with his striking showmanship. He is the real deal and the interview is remarkably informative!
In the interview Alex also explains how you can follow him right around the globe. You will also see what probably is the world’s most advanced sailing vessel. We guarantee you will love it.
Watch now on RORC YouTube:
Update Nov 23. Hugo Boss structural repairs underway: