How Do We Change the Inequity in Sailing?

SinC ABYC Girls Sailing Week

July 5, 2023

Ashbridge’s Bay Yacht Club Girl’s Sailing Week

August 26-27: ABYC Girl Regatta

August 28-Sept 1: Girl’s Sailing Camp

Have you ever wondered where the girls are when you are when dropping off your child at Junior Sailing School, or volunteering as a parent for the race team at your local club, or if you volunteer for Race Committee? This was the question that kept popping up as my daughter progressed through her sailing levels, participated on the race team and eventually became a Race Coach.

There is an obvious inequity in the sport, but the reasons were not apparent. As we know, sailing is not a sport of brawn. It is a sport of the mind and intellect. So where are the girls?

To address the reasons for inequity, we looked at what girls like when they participate in an organized sport. Number one reason – to be in a shared, fun environment with other girls.

Our solution? To create a week that is all about girls racing and being with other girls to develop their skills and to deeply engage with the sport.

SinC ABYC Girls Sailing Week 2SinC ABYC Girls Sailing Week 3

The first part of the week will be the ABYC Girl Regatta (August 26-27) which is open to all who identify as female. This regatta is welcoming Opti, C420, ILCA 4 & 6, Feva, 29ers classes. We will have Sail Canada athletes Antonio and Georgia Lewin-Lafrance as visiting coaches.

Following this regatta will be a 5-day affordable Girl’s Sailing camp (Aug 28-Sept 1) which will be led by Sail Canada Development Team Member Clara Gravely and Ontario Sailing Race Coach Violet Stafford. We will also have visiting speakers, such as Sail Canada Team Member Ali ten Hove and National Race Judge Wendy Loat. The camp will also provide access to the Waszp and foiling coaching by Sue Fraser.

For more information:

SinC ABYC Girls Sailing Week Social


SinC ABYC Girls Sailing Week Camp

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