Rolex International Women’s Keelboat Championship winner Corey Sertl


Rolex International Women's Keelboat Championship (RIWKC) – Corey Sertl, from Rochester, NY moved ahead of both Anna Tunnicliffe and Sally Barkow to win. Corey's daughter Katja Sertl, in her second ever RIWKC, placed eighth and another local sailor, Kiki Werner was fifth. Top international boat went to the Dutch team, skippered by Marieke Poulie in 10th place, and top Canadian team was Sharon Ferris.

This bi-annual event, sponsored by Rolex from it's inception, has become the premier event for women sailors. As agreed by all, the skill level has improved tremendously. It is the first time in the history of the event that the winner had to sail the last race.

There was also a record number of five Canadian teams represented this year from Hudson YC, National YC, Royal Canadian YC, Port Credit YC, and Neapean YC.

Final Results

Event website

by Katie Nicoll

Photo Caption: “Canadian teams were well represented – Rolex Internaitonal Women's Keelboat Championships”
Andrew Leslie

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