Mobility Cup 2011 day 2 racing


Genevieve Wickham of Sailability/Royal Perth Yacht Club of Perth, Australia won two of three races Wednesday to

consolidate her lead in the Access Liberty Fleet on the second day of the 2011 Mobility Cup.

She has now won five of seven races after sailing under overcast skies and in gentle seas featuring north-easterly winds gusting up to 10 knots on Hamilton Harbour.

Meantime, American Rob Klein of Falmouth, MA edged ahead of Sara Cooper of Calgary by two points on the strength of a first and third while Cooper slipped to ninth in one race.

And a Quebec quartet held down the top spots in the Gold Fleet competition. Pierre Richard of Association Quebecoise de Voile Adaptee was second in two races at the event hosted by The Royal Hamilton Yacht Club and the Burlington Sailing & Boating Club.

Marc Villeneuve was just a point back and Hafsa Chaar and Rene Dallaire, also of AQVA, stand third and fourth.

The 21st Mobility Cup features 60 disabled athletes from five countries including Australia, the Netherlands, the U.K., U.S.A and Canada are competing in the event.

Also, in the 2.4 MR North American championships staged at the same time, Allan Leibel of the National Yacht Club

captured seven of 11 races over two days to win the class.

by John Kernaghan

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