Boxing Rock Race is a great success in perfect sailing conditions

Boats Dressed For Canada Day

June 20, 2017

The 2017 Boxing Rock Cup was sailed in Halifax Harbour on June 10 under perfect, no I mean PERFECT conditions! Sunshine, nice winds, and lots of heat made for a great event for the nearly 40 boats and 200+ sailors.

Winning the BBYC start was Donnie Walker on Dark Water finishing at 2:12:42, In second place and top female boat was Karen Fowler on Cheap Thrill finishing at 2:13:08, 26 seconds behind.

Boxing RockSunnyvale with Peter Wickwire at the helm won the RNSYS start finishing at 2:28:11. In second place was Chris Veinot and Hype Wave only two seconds behind!

Full results at
Special thanks to Boxing Rock Brewing Company for all the great support this year. -GC

Photo Credit: SailNS

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