Registration Open for Four Talent ID Camps

SinC Sail Canada Talent ID Camps Registration

July 5, 2023

The Sail Canada Talent ID Program is focussed on finding the top talent across Canada. The camps give the Sail Canada Technical Staff the opportunity to work with/identify youth sailors from across the country and provide athletes access enhanced training opportunities and an opportunity to qualify for the Canadian Youth Squad trials camp which is held in January each year.

Talent ID camps are typically three days and aim to enhance athlete skills and add value to the local training environment by bringing in world class guest experts, providing technical talks, data analytics enhanced and shared training opportunities between athletes coming from a variety of Clubs/programs. These camps are also used by the Sail Canada High Performance Director (HPD) to decide which sailors should attend the Canadian Sailing Youth Squad (CSYS) Trials Camp.

Each year there will be two national Talent ID camps, one for each of the targeted classes (ILCA and 29er). There will also be several regional Talent ID camps spread across the country to ensure as many sailors as possible get the opportunity to attend. The camps are open to all Canadian sailors and the CSYC Trials Camp invitations are not limited by region. There is no maximum number of sailors who can attend these camps and any sailor capable of racing in a range of weather conditions is encouraged to attend.

Following the final Talent ID camp of the year, the HPD will, on recommendation of the Sail Canada representative at the camp, select which sailors get invitations to the CSYS Trials Camp. Invitations will be sent out within 30 days of the conclusion of the final Talent ID camp of the year.

Sailors can now register for four Talent ID Camps to be held in the upcoming months:

  • July 31-Aug. 2, ILCA 6 – NTC Central
  • Aug. 4-6, 29er National Talent ID Camp – NTC Central
  • Aug. 22-24, ILCA 6 National Talent ID Camp – NTC Central

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