Wrapping it up in SXM (gonzo edition)

SXM Kelly Brown Wins 2

Mar 22, 2017

Hey heyheyyyyyyyy there Johnny Boy !!!!

OK that was super FUNWOW !!!!

Final day was unbelievable !!!

Quite possibly the single greatest day of competitive sailing that I have ever witnessed –

Black And WhiteTurned out to be the best day …. I am attaching a few photos for you to use right now if you need to but I have an awful lot to go through to make more selections – this will have to be later on tonight so hope these will do for now –

The UB40 (Yes!!!!) and Mya concert was also fabulous and the crowd was massive … they estimated over 10,000 (so I was told) – all great … but yet another power failure held everything up and the awards portion took wayyyyyyy too long to complete –

Anyway here is the news item for you and the photos below – One of the Canadian boats, the guys from Winnipeg, took the first place honours in one of the classes – I have photos opt them at the ceremony as well – to come later –
Cheers for now – chat later – I will be back in studio one week from today …

Oh yeah – they did confirm for me that I was in fact the ONLY Canadian Media person here – still baffles me –

Best for now – JG
Race 3 Sails

  SXM Races















Media Boat2
Hey hey man –

I will be uploading onto my FB page shortly –

CYOB’s fearless, if slightly eccentric reporter in the Cariibbean paradise

Lots of pics … tried to cut them down as there seems to be too many but so much colour and so much fun … and tension … there were some intense moments out there …

Floating FlamingosIn the meantime … LOOOK OUT !!!!! A FLOTILLA OF FLAMINGOS AND PARROTS !!!!!! – Cheers – JG











Kelly Browns



Hey hey heyyyyyy there Johnny Boy –

OK I selected some of the better images and they are all posted on my FB page …

I have more to go through from the awards presentations but here is one of the big overall winners …

Kelly Brown and the crew from Winnipeg

Direct from that well-known “sailing capital of Canada” ….. good old WINNIPEG !!!! Yep, thats right … WINNIPEG !!!!!

They went crazy when they met me … a media guy from Canada covering this race … what a concept he says …

Here is Mr Kelly Brown and Linda Strachan and their crew … aboard Silhouette …

FIRST PLACE WINNERS (in their category) at The 37th Heineken Regatta … Largest warm water sailing event on the planet !!!! HOW GREAT IS THIS ???!!!!!!

OK, I have to go for now … more later buddy boy …. Cheers, JG

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