Scott Shawyer Qualifies for New York to Vendée Race 2024!
May 1, 2024

Canada Ocean Racing’s Scott Shawyer, the Canadian skipper of the IMOCA Be Water Positive, will be competing in the prestigious single-handed transatlantic race, the New York Vendée, which starts later this month on May 29th.

With no solo IMOCA races in recent months, it was obligatory for Scott to complete a rigorous 1200 nautical mile solo qualifying passage, set by the Race Director. With his race boat in solo race configuration the course set had to include a minimum of 120 nautical miles sailed upwind, in at least Force 5 wind and sea conditions. His course was monitored by his team and Race Direction to ensure that obligatory maneuvers and waypoints were executed. During the passage Scott saw a range of North Atlantic conditions with consistent 25-30 knots and 5 metre swells.
Although qualification was the main objective, the testing passage also allowed the Canadian skipper to get into full on solo mode and further test his boat’s capabilities, electronics systems and to work on his sleep patterns. It’s no secret that Scott has struggled with sea sickness which he has tackled head on and is now able to manage with a strict pre-departure routine and sea sickness patches.

Departing and circling back to the team’s Spring training base in Cascais, Portugal, Shawyer returned from his journey on 12 April after 7 days at sea. Tired but exhilarated from his first major solo trip that sees him qualify for the New York Vendée race, this qualification marks a significant milestone in Scott’s ocean racing journey.