Ontario Sailing Virtual Development Sessions

In Spring Dev Sessions

May 13, 2021

This weekend, Ontario Sailing will be hosting two FREE information sessions via Zoom for coaches and athletes.

Athlete Pathway Session

Saturday, May 15, 2021 (12 noon – 1:00pm ET)

This session is to help give athletes information regarding their options as they progress through their different stages of development with regards to teams, classes of boats, and additional opportunities within the province.

Coach Development Session

Sunday, May 16, 2021 (12 noon – 1:00pm ET)

In this session, coaches will be led in a discussion on technical and tactical knowledge from provincial and other high-level coaches in addition to building a better community and network of coaches.

** There is no cost for these sessions.

Please pre-register at the links below:

For the Athlete Pathway Session (Saturday, May 15, 2021) , please register at: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUpde-rrj4sGNJ7qO4td3O7dZQUw6sHI25G

For the Coach Development Session (Sunday, May 16, 2021), please register at: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYqc-6upzIvHNdrAGzA8cekwLn0lfXya4GF

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