Katie Nicoll Receives President’s Trophy

June 14, 2023
Left to right: Glenn Lethbridge, Katie Nicoll and Mark Searle at Port Credit YC on Saturday, June 10th
On Saturday June 10th during the Sail Past Ceremony at the Port Credit Yacht Club Glenn Lethbridge, Executive Director of Ontario Sailing, presented Katie Coleman Nicoll with the President’s Trophy.
The awarding of this trophy is to be made in recognition of a member of the OSA who has made an outstanding contribution to the development of sailing in Ontario. Presenting along with Glenn were Ontario Sailing’s past president Mark Searle and Port Credit Yachts Club’s Carol Trupke. The trophy, although awarded in 2020, was kept secret because Glenn felt that the award should be presented in person in front of an appreciated audience. Glenn commented that it is the volunteers that make his job most gratifying and on a tough day he looks at the recipients on the President’s award to remind him the of enjoyments of his job.
Katie with daughter Clarity aboard Quick Nick, the J24 she raced and won with over many years
Past recipients of the President’s Award include: 2021 Wendy Loat; 2019 Tim Irwin; 2018 Not Presented; 2017 Pat Lymburner; 2016 Edward Graham Dougall; 2015 Nicholas Thompson and Ashley Hum; 2014 Donna Scott; 2013 Irene McNeill; 2012 Lynne Beal and Doug Creelman; 2011 Marilea McAllister and Ethel Thayer; 2010 Carolyn Gagnon; 2009 Bernie Luttmer Sr.; 2008 George Blanchard; 2007 Ron Kobrick; 2006 Al Will; 2005 Alex McAuley; 2004 Mike Vollmer; 2003 Laurel Connell; 2002 Alan May; 2001 Peter Van Buskirk; 2000 David Sprague; 1999 Keith Hobbs; 1998 Leo Reise; 1997 Easter Seals Regatta, RCYC.