America's Cup logo 2021

America’s Cup Event (ACE) Position on Continuation of Racing

In these uncertain times, as the permitted Event Organiser responsible for the delivery of the 36th America’s Cup presented by Prada in Auckland under the Host Venue Agreement with NZ Government and Auckland Council, America’s Cup Event Limited remains committed to maintaining as many aspects as possible of the Event as originally planned.

Heineken Regatta

Racing (not): The 41st St. Maarten Heineken Regatta cancelled due to fear of possible COVID developments

On Monday January 25th, organizers of the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta published its plans for the 41st edition of this annual event, eliminating the parties and social gatherings from this year’s event format and focusing on hosting the 4 days of world class racing, as it is first and foremost an outdoor sporting event.

January 18 - Recap on the AC capsize

Skipper’s Press Conference: Terry Hutchinson on Patriot’s Capsize, Recovery and Next Steps

Auckland, New Zealand – After a mostly sleepless night following the capsize and near-sinking of American Magic’s AC75 racing yacht, PATRIOT, Skipper and Executive Director Terry Hutchinson answered questions for assembled journalists in Auckland, and additional press patched in via Zoom.