Youngstown CanAm Regatta Channels 50th Level Regatta

June 14, 2023
Photo: Tim Wilkes
The Youngstown Yacht Club is set to hold its 10th annual CanAm Challenge and Great Lakes PHRF Fest on July 28-30, for two days of hosting competitors from all over the U.S. and Canada. With the end of COVID border crossing restrictions, the Youngstown tradition can resume.
YYC says, “As the largest sailing event on Lake Ontario, the CanAm Challenge and Great Lakes PHRF Fest is more than just a regatta. This year would have been the 50th anniversary of the legendary Youngstown Level Regatta, which hasn’t been held in over a decade. But in sailors’ hearts, the regatta will live on – YYC is bringing back the infamous ‘beer line’ and what would have been the 50th Levels with a throwback party on Saturday, July 29. Open to the public, the party encourages guests to dig through their closets and resurrect past Level T-shirts and Mount Gay Rum hats for a contest awarding prizes to the oldest shirt and hat.”
Registration is now open at For more information, visit or call 716-745-4230.