Vic-Maui Underway

July 13, 2022
One of two tuna caught Monday on competitor Planet Express, a Beneteau 43 from Royal Victoria YC
Held every two years (in even years), this ocean racing classic starts from Victoria, British Columbia and finishes Lahaina, Maui. Cruising and Racing divisions have staggered starts to cover this great circle route distance of 2,308 nautical miles. Between 12 -20 boats in the fleet on any given year with a maximum of 25 entries; this year there is a dozen competing.
The race got underway last week on July 4 and 6 and the Maui Finish Venue opens on July 15. The Finish Time Limit is July 22 with the Awards Banquet on July 23.
You can follow the competitors and get daily updates at