
Regattas: J105 Women Defy Storm

August 24, 2024

On Saturday, August 17, 12 teams and over 100 women sailors competed in the 4th annual J105 Ontario Women’s Championships hosted by RCYC in Toronto.

On Saturday, August 17, 12 teams and over 100 women sailors competed in the 4th annual J105 Ontario
Women's Championships hosted by RCYC in Toronto
Hey Jude  Skipper Karen McRae and crew Jenny Farrand, Roxanne Ortega, Charlotte Scythes, Michelle Clemo, Briar Robertson, Allie Surette ©Sharon Green/Ultimate Sailing 2024 Women’s J105 Championship 08.17.24. August 17, 2024

The regatta was founded four years ago to encourage and support women’s racing. It has grown into an empowering event: sailed by women, run by women; with all-women race committees and judges and continues to support the Broad Reach Foundation. The event has inspired regions across North America to host similar regattas with added support from the j105 Class Association, including San Francisco, Charleston and the upcoming Annapolis event on Sept. 1, where 15 J105s will be racing.

The 2024 J105 Ontario Women’s Championship winning team, Hey Jude, with skipper Karen McRae, reclaimedthe title this year, with a decisive lead in the one and only race of the day, as the regatta worked around wind and weather challenges. Amanda Karahanas skippering Un-Usual Suspects took 2nd, Jen Provan finished 3rd on Mandate, Julie Mitchell skippering The Kernel finished 4th and Kathy Pask skippering Full Tilt Boogie finished 5th.

storm on the radar!

As competitors finished the first downwind, radar picked up a massive incoming storm and shortly after the race finished the skies turned black, lightning was spotted, and racing was called off for the day in order to get boats safely back to the dock.

“The crew bank for the regatta included women new to the fleet, with massive efforts to find spots on boats for all for the day, embodying the intent of the event to bring more women into racing on Lake Ontario, and more sailors to the J105 fleet” said Kathy Pask, Regatta Organizer and J105 fleet representative. “Owners were generous again in loaning their boats to make this event happen.”

The generations of women sailors that participated ranged from ages 17 to 72 years – and included mothers and daughters; sisters; and many women who had coached or been coached by others at the regatta over the years. The caliber of sailors was also outstanding with women who have represented Canada in Rolex Championships, World Championships, Olympics and the Pan Am Games.

Files from Jessica Perraton

©Sharon Green/Ultimate Sailing 2024 Women’s J105 Championship 08.17.24. August 17, 2024

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