Offshore Special Regulations

Mar 16, 2022
The World Sailing (WS) Offshore Special Regulations (OSR) governing Offshore Racing for Monohulls (Mo) and Multihulls (Mu) are the internationally accepted minimum equipment, accommodation and training standards for monohull and multihull yachts racing offshore.
Developed by experienced racing sailors over time, they are designed to supplement the requirements of governmental authority, the Racing Rules of Sailing and the rules of Class Associations and Rating Systems.
World Sailing and Sail Canada (SC) strongly recommend the use of these Special Regulations by all organizers of offshore races. Race Committees may select the category deemed most suitable for the type of race to be sailed in accordance with the definitions in section 2.
World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations are reviewed continuously and are published every two years by the WS Special Regulations sub-Committee (Sail Canada is represented by Richard Hinterhoeller (ON)).
Sail Canada’s Offshore Group prescribe amendments to the Special Regulations to take into account Canadian legislation and practice. The generic World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations can be found at:
Canadians Melodie Schaffer and Ryan Barkey at the recent finish of the Transat Jacques Vabre
Sail Canada Abbreviated Documents
Abbreviated documents (extracts), with updates February 2022, including Sail Canada prescriptions and appendix F (inspection card), for each race category.
Source documents in Microsoft Word format are available upon request at
Sail Canada’s Offshore Group monitors and promotes Offshore Racing activities in Canada. Membership is currently Will Apold (NS), Guy Perrin (ON), Richard Hinterhoeller (ON), David Sutcliffe (BC), and Diane Reid (ON).