Officials Seminars: Racing Rules in Action and Advanced Race Management

May 3, 2023
Racing sailors and officials are invited to participate in a series of online rules discussions. In total, thirty different boat-to-boat scenarios will be presented which will challenge and enhance everyone’s knowledge of the racing rules of sailing. David Pelling (IJ and IU) will lead the group, and the seminars use an interactive approach.
Each session of the four planned will deal with different cases. Everyone is invited to contribute.
The sessions are free to Sail Canada members. Click HERE to register.
Advanced Race Management
(French only)
Sail Canada is hosting an Advanced Race Management Seminar in French, presented by Madeleine Palfreeman, at the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club May 19, 20 and 21.
Please note that this course is a pre-requisite for Race Officials applying or seeking recertification to become Regional and National Level Race Officials, or Heads of Race Management.
The registration cost is $150 and also includes lunch and dinner which will be provided, as well as parking.
Dates: May 19, 20 and 21
Time: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day (the day will be shorter on Sunday for exams)
Location: Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club, Mini Mont-Royal room
Click HERE to register