News from Kingston: CORK Update

CORK Sailing


May 14, 2020

The situation with respect to CORK events remains uncertain. On one hand, the City has changed the previous order that recreational facilities will remain closed until 31 August to be “until further notice”, and as you will read below, City staff are conducting annual maintenance at the two municipal marinas. 

On the other hand, there is a strong feeling that Kingston and area has a very good situation with respect to the number of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and fatalities (zero), and this should be protected against infection arriving from beyond the local area. The CORK leadership remains engaged with City Council, City staff and the local health authority. We will let you know as soon as we have the appropriate direction and can decide on our events.

Stay safe.

Jamie Fraser CORK Board Chair


Updates to recreation services due to COVID-19 

April 30, 2020

The City of Kingston and community partners are beginning to explore options for how municipal special events can be held in alternate formats that do not encourage large gatherings.

With recreation facilities closed until further notice under provincial direction, the City is cancelling the Victoria Day celebrations and fireworks scheduled for May 18. More information about the possibility of a virtual Canada Day will be shared in the weeks to come. Virtual events are an evolving trend and staff will look to best practices and techniques used by other events and municipalities.

Staff continue to communicate with permit holders and special event organizers regarding the impact of facility closures on public events and gatherings for the spring and summer season. This allows organizations to develop cancellation or contingency plans and communicate with their participants and vendors.

Municipal marinas

Preliminary seasonal work is underway at Confederation Basin and Portsmouth Olympic Harbour marinas, utilizing full-time staff from other closed recreation facilities. Members of the public may notice City staff working along the waterfront. This work is maintenance in nature, but also typically takes several weeks to complete and therefore helps to prepare for the potential of re-opening of the marinas to boaters should provincial emergency orders be amended to permit the operation of boat launches or marinas, subject to measures put in place in coordination with local public health. Safety precautions, including physical distancing, will be in place during all maintenance work.

Decisions regarding special events and opening of marinas will be made in consultation with KFL&A Public Health and will adhere to Ontario’s Framework for Reopening and provincial emergency orders.

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