LYRA 2022 Race Week Goes on July 25

May 4, 2022
Sodus Bay Yacht Club is hosting the Lake Yacht Racing Association Regatta open to boats from both sides of the border at last. In addition to great racing, registrants will enjoy live entertainment on Friday and Saturday nights. Delicious meals will be available at the club Thursday through Sunday, as well as options of local fare from your favorite Sodus Point restaurants.
To be as inclusive as possible for overall Regatta Champion in handicap racing, we are organizing two separate Centennial Race feeders from Canada. One will start from Ashbridges Bay Yacht Club and the other will start from Kingston Yacht Club. For US sailors, we will have two Founder’s Race feeders from Rochester and Oswego. Qualification for overall handicap Flying Sail Regatta Champion in PHRF and ORC requires:
- Competing in a feeder race (either a Centennial Race or a Founder’s Race)
- Competing in the Freeman Race – The long distance overnight Freeman Cup races, of which there are many beautiful perpetual trophies, will be on Wednesday evening
- Competing in Course Racing (handicap, not one-design) on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
One Design Regatta Champion does not require participation any of the feeder races or the Freeman race. All that is required is competing in the Flying Sail Course Racing on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Non-Flying Sail Course Racing will be held on Saturday and Sunday. All feeder races and Freeman Races are also available to non-flying sail competitors.
8 Metre North Americans
The Lake Ontario 8 Metre Association has announced that they will hold their North Americans during this year’s LYRA Annual Regatta at the SBYC.
The association will do NA racing on Thursday July 28 and Friday July 29, 2022. The racing performed on July 29 as well as racing on July 30, and 31st will be scored for LYRA to award the Classic and Modern LYRA Trophies for this year’s Annual Regatta.
Centennial Races – Feeder Races
Monday July 25, 2022, Ashbridges Bay Yacht Club to Rochester, NY
Tuesday July 26, 2022, Kingston Yacht Club to Sodus Point, NY
Founder’s Races – Feeder Races
Tuesday July 26, 2022, Genesee Yacht Club to Sodus Point, NY
Tuesday July 26, 2022, Oswego Yacht Club to Sodus Point, NY
Freeman Races – Overnight Races
Wednesday July 27, 2022, Sodus Bay Yacht Club
Overnight races both the Long and Short Course
Course Racing
July 29, 30, 31, 2022
Flying Sail: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Non-flying Sail Saturday and Sunday