LYRA 2022 Heads to Sodus Bay

Feb 2, 2022
The Sodus Bay Yacht Club is excited to be hosting the Lake Yacht Racing Association Annual Regatta from July 25 to July 31, 2022. The members of SBYC invite racers from all around Lake Ontario, Eastern Lake Erie, the Finger Lakes, and the St Lawrence Seaway to enjoy an exciting week of Corinthian racing at its finest.
The week begins on Monday with the Feeder Races from Canada to the US – LYRA is organizing three Centennial Race feeders from Toronto, Whitby, and Kingston to accommodate as many Canadian Members who wish to compete for the Flying Sail Regatta Championship.
Organizers anticipate this to be the flood gates to the end of the global pandemic for those itching to get out and do. On Tuesday they plan Feeder Races for Rochester and Oswego. The long distance Freeman Cup races, of which there are many beautiful perpetual trophies, will be on Wednesday evening. LYRA wraps up the week with course racing: FS on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. NFS on Saturday and Sunday.
The planning includes competitive pricing for small One Design Fleets and the addition of a fourth circle in Great Sodus Bay for these fleets to compete in the protected waters of the bay. Sodus Bay Junior Sailing Association has great interest in helping provide Race Committee for this bay racing option.
Lake Ontario 8 Metre Class
The Lake Ontario 8 Metre Class have announced they will be holding their 2022 North Americans this year in conjunction with LYRA 2022 Annual Regatta at Sodus Bay Yacht Club.
For registration and details, visit