LYRA 2020 Regional Events

Aug 13, 2020
The plans for LYRA 2020 originally included the traditional events and LYRA Week in Sodus Bay. COVID made this impossible. For American boats, racing was possible and there were several separate events along the South Shore in Youngstown Rochester etc. For Canadian boats, racing was not possible so in its place so the LYRA Fun Race with no entry fee and independent participation took place on August 1.
The beautiful LYRA perpetual trophies are tentatively planned to be awarded during the Annual General Meeting on November 14, 2020 at the Youngstown Yacht Club. The trophies will be awarded to fleet overall corrected time first place finishers for FS, NFS, and One Design fleets. Currently many of the trophies are in Canada and cannot be collected. Our hope is that by November the situation will have changed. LYRA flags are to be awarded to first, second and third place finishers in each division where a race is going to occur. Flags will be mailed to the recipients post race. For the GTA Fun Sail all boats will receive a participation LYRA flag.
Originally planned for Sodus Bay, LYRA racing took a decidedly different schedule in 2020
What happened?
- Between 1000h and 1200h boats either:
Sailed past the Gibraltar mark, then the Oakville Yacht Squadron Mark 3 (N 43 27.778 W79 37.561), then back to Gibraltar or
Sailed past the Oakville Yacht Squadron Mark 3 East (N 43 27.778 W79 37.561), then the Gibraltar mark, then back to Oakville Yacht Squadron Mark 3 East.
- All marks to starboard.
- Record the time you pass the first and last mark using the same time source.
- Monitor VHF 72 to talk to your friends.
Was it scored?
- Just for information, LYRA posted actual and corrected using Time Submission Form from participants.
- All participants that completed the Time Submission Form will receive a LYRA 2020 flag