Kieler Woche flexible not only in terms of dates

April 9, 2020
The relocation of Kieler Woche 2020 from June to September (5th to 13th) requires some adjustments in the regatta area. “We cannot mirror the regattas 1:1. The classes have been planning differently for a long time, our volunteers and we ourselves have done so,” says Dirk Ramhorst, head of organization of the Kieler Woche regattas.
After the postponement of the Kieler Woche to September had been discussed with the sponsors, the co-organizers, the German Sailing Association and the volunteers and their support and agreement had been secured, the next phase of planning is now underway. The postponement requires new ideas and a lot of flexibility. But we would like to give the active participants and classes some guidance now so that they can start planning right away”, says Ramhorst. The Kieler Woche organizers also deviate from the usual division.
“Of course we will take the class wishes into account. The J24 would like to sail in the first part and probably one day less in order to be able to leave for Great Britain in time for the European Championship. The 420s could slide into part one due to the EM/WM qualification regatta taking place on the second weekend in September, and the 29ers could therefore sail in part two, just like the OK dinghies, which will be holding their IDM in Lower Saxony on the first weekend in September. We try to make a lot of things possible”, says Ramhorst. The team around the Chief Race Director Fabian Bach adapted the class and course distribution to the wishes in order to enable as many classes from the Olympic and international area as possible to participate in Kieler Woche.
“Even if the basic structure is in place, it is not set in stone. We are still trying to react and respond to wishes”, says Ramhorst, who has received a lot of encouragement for the relocation from the classes and athletes. The postponement to September gives hope for an autumn with regattas, after most of the events have been cancelled until August.
However, Kiel will move on without the Flying Dutchman and the Moth this year. Their World and European Championships prevent the start in September in Kiel. Other classes, however, are trying to integrate championships that are cancelled before September into Kieler Woche.
The International German Championship of the Offshore Sailors will take place during Kieler Woche as planned. The Technical Department of the German Sailing Association and the Regatta Association of Sea Sailing have given the green light and welcomed the relocation, the Kieler Yacht-Club announced. The Fareast28R should also start during the Kieler Woche. Instead of the planned Pre Worlds during Kieler Woche, the event will now take place after the Worlds (August 10th to 16th in Laboe). But the World Championship and the Kieler Woche are now much closer together, so that the organizers and the class association expect the Fareast 28R boats to stay until after the Worlds.
“It will be a different Kieler Woche than usual, but we want to give positive signals. Of course, the health of the active participants, all employees and guests of Kieler Woche is our top priority”, says Ramhorst, who does indeed include in the planning that virologists and politicians could have the last word.
Kiel Week (05. until 13. September):
Part 1 (September 5 to 8):
420, 5O5, J/24, J/70, J/80, Contender, Europe, Fareast 28R, Laser 4.7, Laser Rad. (open), MustoSkiff VXone.
Part 2 (September 9 to 13):
29er (September 10 to 13), 470, 49er, 49erFX, F18, Finn, Laser Rad W , Laser Std. M, Nacra15, Nacra17, OK.