52nd Southern Straits Classic set for April 15-17, 2022

Feb 16, 2022
The West Vancouver Yacht Club (WVYC) is excited to welcome back the Southern Straits Regatta after a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 52nd running of the Easter weekend race will see sailors crisscrossing Georgia Strait testing their strategy, skill, and endurance while racing overnight in early season conditions.
The Short, Medium, and Long courses range from 70 – 133 nautical miles. In addition, there is an Inshore Course (approximately 20 nautical miles) that will be conducted during daylight hours on Good Friday.
Race registration is now open and closes on Sunday, April 10. Early bird discount available until February 28.
Departing the Point Atkinson Lighthouse
The WVYC will also be offering a one-day Coastal Personal Survival Course on April 3 for those who need to renew or take a Safety at Sea course. Registration details are online at Coastal Personal Survival Course.
According to the WVYC Facebook page West Vancouver Yacht Club’s Southern Straits is not for the average soul. The Straits are for the bold, the wild, and for the men and women who enjoy, nay revel, in the freezing cold, the rolling swells, the howling winds and the utter agony of being becalmed. The Straits are for those who are enchanted further to seaward into the Salish Sea.
Ally Gandy takes a masthead selfie at a previous edition of the event
For more information, please visit www.southernstraits.ca or call WVYC at 604.921.7575.