2022 J105 Canadian Championships

October 19, 2022
By Terry McLaughlin
Photos: Doug Bullock
Thirteen boats were on the line for the first race of the J105 Canadian Championships held September 23-25. It was a good turnout considering that Fleet 4 has lost a number of boats over the last couple of years. The regatta consisted of three days of tricky, shifty, puffy light to medium conditions that resulted in up and down results for most competitors.
On Friday we sailed in an offshore breeze that would puff in from one side or the other. On Saturday there was a more southerly wind, but with the starting line usually leeward end favoured and a strong west to east current running it was often difficult to cross the starting line on starboard tack and easy to not be able to lay the leeward end of the line. Getting off the line was key and sometimes starting on port tack away from the favoured end proved to be a good plan. Sunday, we enjoyed a light ENE breeze and lots of rain.
Consistency was hard to come by, but with the exception of one 7th place Mandate managed, by hook or crook, to finish the other nine races in the top three. This took significant comebacks in some of the races. Sailing on Mandate was Terry McLaughlin, Rod Wilmer, Fraser Howell, Ian Howes, Greg Bathe and Sandy Andrews. Finishing second was Hey Jude followed by The Usual Suspects in third place. Thunderstruck came fourth banging off six top 5 finishes in a row to end the regatta. Rounding out the top five was Starcross. The full results can be found at J105 Canadians (theclubspot.com)
As was pointed out at prizegiving, it was encouraging to see some of the teams who are not always near the top score good finishes. Of note was The Kernel with two fifths, H-Bomb with a 4, 4, 5, Full Tilt with a 4, 4, 4, 5 and Forro with a 2, 3, 5.
Boat of the day honours went to Millicent on Friday, Naga Dragon on Saturday and The Kernel on Sunday.
Many thanks to Regatta Chairs Todd Irving and Greg Mezzo and to a great race committee led by RO Andrew Morgan.
Left: Canadian Champions – Team Mandat / Right: Second Place – Hey Jude
Third Place – The Usual Suspects