2022 ILCA Canadian Masters Championships
Mar 16, 2022
The 2022 ILCA Canadian Masters Championships will take place June 24-26, 2022 at the Jericho Sailing Centre in Vancouver.
The local ILCA fleet along with the JSCA is proud to host the 2022 ILCA (International Laser Class Association) Canadian Masters Championships.
This event is available to all ILCA sailors 30 years of age and older. As this is a masters event there are the following age categories:
30-44 Apprentice
45-54 Master
55-64 Grand Master
65-74 Great Grand Master
75+ Legend
Scoring considerations are made for older sailors to even out the competition. This is a three-day event with on water judging, a BBQ included for all sailors and volunteers on the Saturday evening, prizes for the top sailors and draw prizes for all participants and volunteers.
2022 ILCA Canadian Masters Championships NoR – Click here
Sailing instructions and links to the notice board and results will be posted in due course. Stay tuned!