With Home Club Support, Liam Bruce Aims for Paris 2024

Feb 16, 2022
Photo by Elle Bruce
Port Credit Yacht Club’s Liam Bruce is a 22-year-old single-handed sailor with his sights firmly set on the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics. The Canadian Sailing Development Squad member is currently ranked 4th in Canada in the ILCA7/Laser class by international governing body World Sailing.
Bruce’s discipline and hard work have translated into national and international results that qualified him for funding support from Sport Canada and the Ontario Quest For Gold program. Still, it’s the support of his loyal donors, local business sponsors and his home club Port Credit Yacht Club’s Corinthian Fund award hold special meaning for him.
“Olympic success comes at a high cost. It takes a lot of sacrifice but I love the sport of sailing and the pursuit of excellence. It’s exciting to know my community is with me. Every funding dollar helps propel me closer to the goal of representing Canada in Paris in just two short years.” Bruce says.
2020 Hempel World Cup in Miami
In 2021 Liam competed in nine national and international regattas, including the Canadian Championships in Kingston, where he secured a second-place finish. Last fall he represented Canada at the World Championships in Barcelona. None of these results would have been possible he says without the support of his community.
“In that respect, we make a great team. I am confident that between my hard work and the support of my community – together, we can put Canada on the podium.”
Liam is presently logging the training hours in preparation for his next big event, the World Championships, in Mexico this May. You can follow and support Liam at www.liambruce.com.
PCYC states the objective of their Corinthian Fund is to “promote the sport of yacht racing, particularly among the young members of the club, by providing advice and moral encouragement and direct and indirect financial assistance. Applicants must demonstrate both potential and commitment to ultimately compete at the world-class level in Olympic or Pan-Am classes of yachts or other complimentary classes.”
Learn more about Port Credit Yacht Club’s Learn to Sail and Race programs at https://pcyc.net
By Laurie Bruce